METALLICA Performs National Anthem At Fifth Annual 'Metallica Night' With SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS (Video)

August 7, 2017

METALLICA and the San Francisco Giants held the fifth annual "Metallica Night" earlier today (Monday, August 7) at AT&T Park in San Francisco as the Giants took the field against the Chicago Cubs. METALLICA once again threw out the first pitch and James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett performed a version of "The Star-Spangled Banner". Hammett also played an instrumental solo rendition of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame".

Special-event METALLICA ticket packages included a ticket to the game and a limited-edition METALLICA/Giants T-shirt, with a portion of the proceeds from every special-event ticket sold benefiting the Posey Family Foundation. There was also an exclusive VIP event that night in Triples Alley with METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich hosting a pre-game question-and-answer session with tennis coach, commentator and author Brad Gilbert to talk sports, music and more.

"We are fortunate enough to live in the Bay Area and hook up with the Giants," Hetfield told local rock station Live 105 back in 2015 about the tradition. "They are a bunch of local boys doing good and we are hopefully in the same department as that. It's basically a fun night. Local people. Local music."

Hammett told that he feels the version of the national anthem he and Hetfield play is "really unique and different," and it's great that they can play it for their home team and hometown audience.

METALLICA has always kept strong ties to the Bay Area sports scene: the band has also performed before Golden State Warriors basketball games and San Jose Sharks hockey games.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Metallica style ??

#MetallicaNight | #SFGiants

Posted by San Francisco Giants on Monday, August 7, 2017

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